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Heavy Airmail Paper (You Never Turned Around...)


Pencil and India ink on twenty-two airmail paper sheets (each 32.3x17.1 cm) sent from different places (Rome, Poncé-sur-le-Loir (F), NYC) to different addresses (Zurich, Paris) on black painted plywood, artist's plexiglas box (196x99x11 cm).

The sentence fragmented in the different letters and repeated 3 times reads: YOU NEVER TURNED AROUND TO SEE THE FROWNS ON THE JUGGLERS AND THE CLOWNS WHEN THEY ALL CAME DOWN AND DID TRICKS FOR YOU.
Taken from the lyrics of a song
by Bob Dylan.

Produced by Paillard C'entre
d'art contemporain

Photo: Patrick Lafievre;
© Vittorio Santoro

During the duration of three (3)
months I wrote fragments of a sentence each day on an airmail letter sheet, eventually forming a sentence (YOU NEVER TURNED AROUND TO SEE THE FROWNS ON THE JUGGLERS AND THE CLOWNS WHEN THEY ALL CAME DOWN AND DID TRICKS FOR YOU.) I sent the letters from different locations to different friend's addresses. Subsequently, the sheets were partly covered with India ink so as to horizon-
tally block out the lower half of each word and the space underneath.

Vittorio Santoro,
Paris, June 2013


Histoire de mon pere