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Pulleys, I

Installation, hemp rope, different pulleys (different sizes), a suspended bundle of 7 candles. Dimension vary with installation: ca. 400 x 700 cm (Gal. Th. Bernard version)
Edition: 1 (+ 1 A. C.)

Photo: Rebecca Fanuele
Installation view: Galerie Thomas Bernard–Cortex Athletico, Paris, Oct. 2016

In this work Santoro explores the correlations between the metaphorical subtext that he finds in the idea of the ‘pulley’ and the strategies and hier-archies of social mechanisms.

(from the press release,
Counter Space, June 2016)

A pulley is a wheel on an axle or shaft that is designed to support movement and change of direction of a taut cable or belt along its circumference. Pulleys are used in a variety of ways to lift loads, apply forces, and to transmit power. A pulley may have a groove between two flanges around its circum-ference. The drive element of a pulley system can be a rope, cable, belt or chain that runs over the pulley inside the groove. A rope and pulley system – that is, a block and tackle – is characterized by the use of a single continuous rope to transmit a tension force around one or more pulleys to lift or move a load–the rope may be a light line or a strong cable.

(Source: Wikipedia)

